Start up
Yes, startups need support from recruitment professionals.
Startups can find themselves facing rapid or even exponential growth, meaning they need to recruit quickly. Whereas growing from 3 to 30 staff in less than one year is far from insignificant. The industrialisation of recruitment processes, employee well being, talent retention and skill development are just some of the complex issues that need to be predicted and planned for.
We offer to support startups in their growth by bringing our longstanding professional experience but adapted to their needs.
"I hired a friend to work as our CTO and it was the wrong choice."Our solution:
You’re right to use your network for staffing needs but let us assess your potential candidates by means of
- An in-depth interview, and
- A reference check
so that we can verify their skills, motivation, personality, and ability to integrate into your start-up.
"I put a load of adverts all over the specialised websites and didn't find any good candidates."Our solution:
You can use job boards but you can allow us to directly approach candidates.
- Identify targets
- Contact potential candidates
- Motivate the best ones
- Help you with negotiations
- Monitor integration
A part-time HR Director
"As the head of a startup, I don't have time to manage HR admin."Our solution:
So that you can remain focused on the development of your startup, we offer to provide you with a part-time HR Director from our network.
The HR Director will take care of:
- Employment contracts
- Career management (yearly appraisal interviews, training, internal mobility)
- Conflict management
- Employee agreements (wage parity, teleworking agreements)
- Obligatory quality of life at work negotiations
- The application of the French Professional Future Law
- The establishment of a CSE (works council) – single organisation that is obligatory for all companies with over 10 employees
Business coaching
"I need to boost business development."Our solution:
You need to increase efficiency. We can introduce you to a business coach.
Our 8 steps to optimise your sales cycle:
1. What is your target? Companies and contacts? How to get to know them better: prepare your meetings.
2. What do you sell?
3. How do you market it? (storytelling, unique value, benefits?)
4. How can you optimise the way you present what you offer? Who presents it?
5. How can you take the feedback you’ve already received and make the required adjustments?
6. Is a POC absolutely necessary?
7. What sort of follow-up should you provide?
8. How should you wrap up? -
Individual and Team Coaching
"I need a coach."Our solution:
We introduce you to a team of certified Executive Management coaches to support you in successfully completing your project and dealing with any staff or organisational issues.
Examples of situations:
- “On boarding”: I’m integrating a new member into my Management Committee and would like to have him supported for the first 100 days on the job
- I would like to have increased impact on my Management Committee and/or my shareholders.
- I need to better provide a sounder framework for all actions and optimise my Management Committee’s decision-making process.
- I would like to facilitate interactions within my Management Committee
- How can we function better as a value creating team and develop our collective efficiency to improve performance?
- How can I prepare my Management Committee for a change in organisation (merger, external growth, etc.)?